Reale Avintia Racing team rider Loris Baz, completed the second day of testing at Qatar with really positive feeling. 21 of the 42 laps he did today at the 3,34 miles circuit, were a race simulation and Baz finished very happy both with his pace and the performance of the Michelin tyres over the race distance. And although he thinks that it was possible to go slightly faster, he was overall happy with his performance in the second day at Losail International Circuit.

Following the race simulation the Reale Avintia Racing French rider went out again with a set of fresh tyres and pushed for a fast lap, ending the day 15th on the timesheet with a time of 1’55.808.

“It was another good day at the office and I’m happy. At the beginning the feeling was not so good as yesterday, but we refined the set up of the bike and we were able to improve. Today we worked with the tyres for the race, I think that for us will be the rear hard and the front soft, and we did a race simulation with positive results. Of course I would go faster, but to be my first race simulation I was quite happy with the result. After the simulation I did went out again pushing for a lap time, and I think it was not so bad, because I did it on my own and I was not pushing and tacking risks. I’m very happy because is the first time I enjoy riding the bike for a long time, and for me this is the most positive fact of this test.”