Avintia Racing riders Hector Barbera and Loris Baz concluded Jerez test ahead of schedule. Despite rain forecasts, the sun has shone on the Andalusian track in the first two days of testing, where several Ducati teams, plus Aprilia, Suzuki, KTM and Honda have come to Jerez to complete a three-day test, the last of 2016 season.

    Héctor Barberá was the fastest yesterday on his Ducati Desmosedici GP 2016, but today he finished earlier than expected due to a mechanical problem. The Valencian has been left with the desire to improve his times with new tires, but overall, his feeling have been very good, and when he returns to action at the end of January in Malaysia, he hopes to have more support from Ducati keep going forward with his adaptation process to his new bike.

    Loris Baz did a really fast lap today and he finished this test very happy, both with his bike and his new crew chief. The Frenchman got grips really well with the Desmosedici GP15, and following a difficult season aheads the winter break with a smile on his face.

    “I am very happy because I have not had such good feelings with the bike for a long time. I think we have done two very good days of work, little by little I am getting confidence with the bike and this test has been very positive. We have tried a lot of things and we have a really fast pace, and today I did a very fast lap, although it could be better. But I’m happy because enjoyed riding my bike, now I can push hard with confidence and I understand what the bike and the tyres do. It has been a very positive test and I go with a relaxed brain to the winter break, because it has been a very difficult year, with a lot of doubts, so ending like this is fantastic.”

    “I finished the last test of the year with a bittersweet taste. On the one hand, we could confirm the great potential of this bike and we have also tried several new Michelin front tyres that I really liked. But I am not happy enough, because in Valencia we had an issue with the gear box, and here happened again. I was forced to stop at three and I have not been able to do many laps today; I’ve spent all morning testing tyres, and when it was time to put fresh rubber for the time attack we had this problem. I wont have the second bike until the first test next year, and therefore, we were forced to finish the test ahead of schedule. I hope that in Malaysia everything works properly, because in the two races I did with the Ducati Team we did not have any issues, but we have had them in the last two test. I trust Ducati and I’m sure they will help us to get the full potential of my GP16”.

      Avintia Racing riders started yesterday at Valencia the preparations for 2017 season and the first conclusions after two days of testing have been vey positive. Both riders started to work with the bike they will be racing next year, the Ducati Desmosecidi GP 2016 for Hector Barbera and the 2015 model for Loris Baz. Both had good feelings and they think the potential of the new machines is enormous.

      Hector Barbera focused on working his position on the bike and together with his crew he tried to adapt it to his riding style more than trying to do a fast lap. He was ninth overall the first day just 0.3s from the fastest pace, while was fifteenth today. The Spaniard only worked with the softer compound rear Michelin tyre, because the track temperatures didn’t aloud him to use the hard compound on his Ducati during the course of the test. He had positive feelings and he is looking forward to improve next week in Jerez.

      Loris Baz finished the two days of testing in Valencia with a big smile on his face. He had a new bike, but also a new crew chief, Paolo Zavalloni, and the first impression working together has been really positive. He found the bike very competitive and as his teammate feels there is a big potential to explore during the winter test.

      “This has been a very positive test because we were able to work in my riding position on the bike and the feeling was better every time I went out on track. The pace was fast and consistent, and although maybe we failed to do a really fast lap, I’m happy with the improvement made during these two days. Four tyres for two days are not so much, and the hardest Michelin tyre was too hard for the track conditions and our bike. I knew the bike thank to the races I did in Japan and Australia, and I confirmed that this bike has a big potential. The preseason has just started and now we’ll go to Jerez for another test of three days, where I will try to get more information. We also saw riders changing teams and some new people, and I think we will have even more fun during next season.”

      “I’m happy, because this has been a really good test and a good way to start. But mainly because with this bike we solved the problems we have been fighting with during all the season. We also understand why we struggled and basically it is because this bike is better, you can easily keep a constant pace and this one of the main problems we had last season. I also had the chance to work for the first time with my new crew chief, Paolo, and we started to know each other better. The first feeling was good and this was also positive. Finally we finished the year in good mood, although we had to wait for next season preparations. We will see how it goes in Jerez next week, where I hope to make a step forward.”

        The Avintia Racing riders have put the finishing on the 2016 MotoGP World Championship today at Valencia. Hector Barbera has been fighting the whole race to finish tenth, and he was really close to getting this place after an intense battle with Alvaro Bautista during the last few laps of the race. He was finally eleventh and secured the Top 10 in the championship standings. With this, he reached the target he had set before starting the season in Qatar.

        Loris Baz struggled again with the tyres. He suffered some grip issues on the front in the first laps, and then problems started with the rear tyre as well. But the brave French rider finished the race and also a championship that has been tough for him due to injuries and a lack of feeling with the bike.

        The Avintia Racing riders will begin the preparations for 2017 on Tuesday. Hector Barbera will enjoy two days of testing to continue to adapt to the Ducati Desmosedici GP 2016 he recently raced at Japan and Australia. Loris Baz will switch to the GP15, a much more competitive bike with which he expects to find the right feeling ahead of the next season.

        HÉCTOR BARBERÁ #8 P11

        “We always said that our target was to finish the championship between fifth and tenth, but being realistic, this was almost impossible. If we look how many factory bikes are on the grid, we should be 14º or 15º with our bike. We finished with 102 points, and this after missing two good opportunities when I was replacing Iannone in the factory Ducati team. Without that we could be ninth overall. But anyway we did a great job this year, and some riders like Suzuki’s Aleix Espargaro or Bradley Smith are behind us. We had a third division bike, but the team was playing in the premier league. I always did my best, I got two fifth places, one fourth place, sixth… really good results. The word team was very important this year, I learned a lot and I also matured as a rider. On Tuesday we will start a new year, an even better year. I want to thank everybody that believed in me and all those who made this possible.”

        LORIS BAZ #76 P18

        “It was a really difficult race. In the first half I struggled with the front end, and then towards the end, it was the lack of grip on the rear what made things difficult for me. I also finished the race exhausted. Positive is that what we found yesterday seems to work. Anyway, we need to work so I can ride the bike without fighting in every lap. I’m looking forward to test on Tuesday and to start the new season. But I’m also ready to get surgery next month and be completely fit and ready for next season. My body is tired after this season and I need to start the next one in full strength. I learned one thing this year, and it is that being fast in the winter doesn’t count, the races are the important thing. I need to build my confidence and improve step by step before the championship starts in March at Qatar.”


          Avintia Racing matched its best result in the team’s history today at the Malaysian Grand Prix, with Héctor Barberá in fourth and his team-mate Loris Baz in fifth place. Just before the start, another tropical storm came down over the Sepang track and it rained so heavily that the MotoGP start had to be delayed by 15 minutes. For the Avintia riders, the water on the track was good news, because after their great performances in qualifying on Saturday, both Héctor Barberá and Loris Baz preferred to have a wet race. After a cautious start, the Avintia Racing riders started to pass other riders and recover positions, with Baz leading the pair. But when the amount of water on the tarmac got less in the closing stages of the race, Barberá got stronger, took advantage of the changing conditions and went ahead of his team-mate to cross the finish line in fourth place. It was his best result since his MotoGP debut in 2010.

          Loris Baz, who had the roles reversed and been fourth ahead of Barberá at the Czech Republic Grand Prix back in August, finished the race in fifth place. Even though he dropped behind Barberá, this result is worth gold for the Frenchman, who had struggled for a number of races to find back to his confidence, which he had lost due to several injuries.

          The overseas triple of races offered everything for Team Avintia Racing, from Barberá’s adventure riding the official Ducati to the remarkable MotoGP debut of Mike jones and the joy of all team members with this fantastic result at Sepang. There is no better way for Barberá to return to Spain, where he will go into the final race of the season at Valencia with extra motivation.

          HÉCTOR BARBERÁ #8 P4

          “I’m really happy because this fourth place is incredible and also my best result in MotoGP ever. After two difficult races in Japan and Australia I really needed this result to get a boost of confidence and energy before my home race in Valencia. There is no doubt that this result came in the right moment. But although I’m very happy for myself, I’m also extremely happy for my teammate Loris, because he needed it even more than me. This result is fantastic for the whole team. We are showing this season that with hard work, big efforts and huge passion you can achieve important things. Avintia is the best example, because we don’t have the resources of many teams, but in passion we are world champions. We are in the top ten after 17 races, ahead of many factory bikes, and we go to Valencia determined to give our best again to close this fantastic season with the best possible result.”

          LORIS BAZ #76 P5

          “Before the race I was praying for rain, because the last three weeks have been really tough for me. After this weekend, we go back home with a big smile on our faces. If we look at the dry track time I’ve spent this year riding my bike, it is obvious that I’m far away from the pace, so I needed some confidence and you can only get that fighting and working hard every single day. But this result is what we were looking for to get a boost of morale and work even harder. This has been a really good race and I enjoyed battling with Hector. It was also an amazing result for the team. The race was difficult because with less water on the track my rear tyre was overheating, so this top five is fantastic. Valencia is my team’s home race and feels also like a home race to me as I have a house close to the circuit, so we will try to keep the momentum and fight for the best.”