MotoGP Thai Test – Chang International Circuit

    Reale Avintia Racing team riders Tito Rabat and Xavier Simeon finished the three-day test at the Chang International Circuit with very positive feelings. The Spaniard all but solved his lack of confidence with the front end of his bike and in the next test in Qatar he hopes to have new parts from Ducati that should help him to make another step forward.
    The former Moto2 World Champion enjoyed riding the bike at Buriram and he finished again very close to the fastest riders. His smile at the end of the test was the best proof that everything is going well and that he can be fighting for good results with Reale Avintia in 2018.
    For Xavi Simeón it was not so easy, but after the issues from the second day, he was able to improvement today. The Belgian rider has a lot to learn in the premier class and he also has to continue to work on his riding style, to deepen his understanding of the bike and the tyres.
    Rabat and Simeon now have a couple of weeks to prepare for the final winter test of 2018, which takes place in Qatar from March 1 to 3.

    “I’m very happy because all three days have been very positive and we managed to be more competitive. From the first test last year, we had a problem with the front end of the bike that didn’t let me push to the maximum and I was crashing in the fast turns losing the front, but little by little we have found a way to improve and now at least I don’t crash like that any more. Nevertheless, we have to keep working to be more confident in the fast corners and, with the help of Ducati, in Qatar I hope to take another step in this way to continue gaining confidence. The team has done an incredible job once again and helped me a lot to improve. Now it’s time to charge the batteries for the last test of the pre-season”.

    “The last day was better, not much better, but enough for me. Overall I’ve improved a lot with used tyres and it’s clear that we still need to work to understand the tyres, because I’m struggling in that area. It was a bit frustrating because every time I went out with new tyres, I didn’t make the jump we expected. But with a 25-lap tyre I was doing my best lap times. That’s why I have to understand how the Michelins tyres work. Due to the layout of this track, it is important not to force the tyre too much in some turns and the opposite goes for some other turns. I still don’t have enough confidence with the bike to ride at the maximum on this track, but overall the test has been positive and we got very good conclusions. Not having improved as much as I expected also has its positive side, because it makes me see that MotoGP is a very difficult class”.

      MotoGP Thai Test – Chang International Circuit

      The second day of testing at the Chang International Circuit was very intense for the MotoGP riders, with temperatures that almost reached 50 degrees of the asphalt and 37 of the air. The sweltering heat didn’t stop Reale Avintia Racing rider Tito Rabat from completing 69 laps on his Ducati Desmosedici GP17 to finish twelfth in the standings, with a gap of just half a second to the ‘top 5’. Better still, Rabat’s ongoing lack of confidence for the front, a problem that haunted him since the last test in Malaysia, seems to be solved and now he can push even with the harder tyre compound of Michelin.
      His teammate Xavi Simeon started the day very well, as he immediately improved his pace from yesterday. Afterwards he didn’t manage to make progress with the set-up of his bike and ended up a bit disappointed. But the Belgian is far from panicking, since the tests are there to try different things and, after many seasons in Moto2, also to learn everything about MotoGP, a much more demanding category in every aspect.
      Despite being only a test, Thai fans have flocked to Buriram crowding the stands of the main straigh and more than 30,000 spectators are expected for tomorrow.

      “I’m very happy because today we were able to work a lot on the bike. I’m even more happy because I’ve built a lot of confidence with the front. Until today, this was the negative point with my bike, because whenever I pushed a little more I crashed and this wasn’t good. But today I didn’t crash, and we were able to try the hardest Michelin front for the first time with positive results. In the final minutes I grabbed a new set of tyres and I did a good lap time, but the most important thing for me is that we have been fast and consistent with old tyres. Tonight I have to rest well to start full throttle tomorrow”.

      “It was a strange day. We started well in the morning and on the first exit I was faster than yesterday straight away and since the lap time came easily, the expectations were quite high. A little later I had a small crash entering the last corner, which didn’t make me lose confidence because I was going really slow. But then as the day went on, we were not able to improve and I think we lost a bit the way with the set-up. I was hitting a wall with my pace and I couldn’t lap in 1’31. But this is testing. Sometimes you take the wrong the direction with the bike, which I’m sure will help me to learn more about MotoGP. I said yesterday that the track seemed easy, but it’s not that easy after all, which we confirmed today”.

        MotoGP Thai Test – Chang International Circuit

        Reale Avintia Racing Team riders Tito Rabat and Xavier Simeon had their first contact with the Chang International Circuit today. The layout of the Thai track, that has been added to the MotoGP calendar for the 2018 season, looks easy on paper, with few turns and many straights, but Rabat and Simeon agreed that the circuit is much more tricky than it seems at first sight.
        Tito Rabat started quite well but at mid-morning, he lost the front in turn seven and crashed, a very similar incident to the two falls he had a couple of weeks ago in Malaysia. After repairing the bike he went back on the track and, after changing the set-up of his Ducati in search of a better feeling with the front, he focused on finding his own pace with very good results.
        His teammate Xavi Simeon continued with his learning process and found himself quite comfortable around the 4.554km circuit. The 28-year-old Belgian rider also crashed in turn ten, which forced him to sit and wait in the garage until his bike was ready to go again. After going back on track again, he quickly matched his best lap times from the morning.

        “I like the circuit and I had a lot fun. It has several parts that reminded me of Qatar, others of Texas… it has some long straights and the asphalt is okay, although at the beginning of the day it was a little bit dirty. But the first impression was very good. The only negative thing to report is my crash and, as in Malaysia, we do not know why. Despite this setback, it seems that we are finding the right way, which is important because we need to know our limit in order to finish the races. We focused on improving the feeling with the front and with some changes to the set-up, I had a better feeling. The team worked very well and everything is very tight with 20 riders within just one second. Now we need to improve further. We always finish 0.7s behind, so it would be great if we could leave Thailand with a gap of only half a second”.

        “The first day here in Thailand went very well until I crashed at turn 10 when I lost the front. The crash was a little strange, I just made a small mistake… but afterwards we lost a lot of time because the bike was quite damaged. In the end I went out again and I could do five laps to try to improve my lap times. Even though I was not able to improve, I was able to match my previous lap times quite easy, which was positive. Tomorrow, we’ll start from where we finished today and we’ll try to improve more. We are not far away, but we have to avoid these little mistakes. The standings are very tight and you have to make the most of the time on the track”.

          14/02/18 IRTA Moto3 Test – Circuito de Jerez

          Reale Avintia Academy rider Livio Loi finished a succesful three-day test today at Jerez circuit in Spain. During the test the team has been working close with KTM engenieers to adapt the bike settings to Loi’s needs and during the three days he has been able to test many different things on the bike with positive results.
          Although its final position on the standings does not reflect it, the race pace has been very good and, just on the second day Livio went out in track searching a fast lap time. He has been working with race tyres almost all the test to gain rythym and confidence with the bike and, overall, it has been a very productive test in which the team has been able to get information to improve even more when they return to Jerez at the beginning of March.

          “We’ve completed antother three days of testing in Jerez and I think we can be happy with the steps made from the first to the last day, we’ve been able to try many different things on the bike and we’ve done quite good times, but the best thing of these test it’s that I’ve been very consistent. Overall I’m satisfied, we still have to find a bit more grip on the rear, because that’s where we’re struggling more, but once we can solve it, I think we can be very strong and be in the front. We’re not far from the fastets riders here and we have done a great job. I am already looking forward to returning to Jerez for the last test of the preseason”.

            Moto3 IRTA Test Valencia – Circuit Ricardo Tormo

            Moto3 and Moto2 teams started the preseason testing in Valencia. This test was also the debut of Livio Loi and the Reale Avintia Academy team in the Moto3 class with KTM. The main issue during the three-day test was the weather and Loi could only rider in the last two sheduled days. With cold and tricky track conditions the Belgian rider has been working with his new team adapting his riding style to the KTM RC250R after three seasons competing in the Moto3 World Championship with different machinery.
            The final standings have been tight with 16 riders in a second. Loi did his best laptime in the penultimate session today at the Ricardo Tormo circuit and he finished the first official test of the season 0.9s from the fastest pace.
            The Reale Avintia Academy team is driving to Jerez where another three-day test will begin on Monday.

            “We have been unlucky with the weather and bad we have not been able to be on track too much time during the last three days, but I’m really happy with the result of the first test of the season with my new team. I’ve had good feelings with the bike from the first moment. We did all the work we have been able to do these days and I’m very happy with the team and with the bike. I’m adapting to things like the rear brake that needs to be used much more on this bike. Overall it has been a good first test and we have been fast and with good pace. The best thing is that at this moment the limit of the bike is very far, so we have a lot of room for improvement. Now I’m looking forward to getting back on the bike and work again with my team in Jerez next week”.