MotoGP British GP – Silverstone

    The British Grand Prix has been cancelled due to safety reasons. After the multiple accident on Saturday that resulted in a serious injury to the right leg for Reale Avintia rider, Tito Rabat, and despite the work carried out by Dorna and Silverstone circuit staff to improve the track’s drainage, a consistent rain came at 9:30 in the morning and it didn’t stop until the afternoon, so finally, the races have been cancelled.

    The warm-up session started at 9:00 am, with the asphalt dry, but then the sky was covered with clouds and it has not stopped raining all day. After an unsuccessful attempt of race start, Grand Prix Commission did an emergency meeting to make a decision. It has been proposed to delay the races for Monday, but there has been no unanimity from the teams. At the end it was decided to wait for an improvement in the conditions, but finally, and after consulting the MotoGP riders, at 16:00h all the races were cancelled.

    The best news of the day has come from the University Hospital of Coventry, where Tito Rabat, has been able to take his first steps with the help of a walker. Rabat will remain in the British hospital until Thursday, before traveling to Barcelona to start to work with Hospital Universitary Quiron Dexeus doctors and being able to assess the recovery time.

    The next round of the MotoGP World Championship will be in Misano in two weeks.

    “Today was a very strange day. We hoped that the conditions would improve, or at least start a little earlier, but we had very bad luck. In the end all the riders, except one, have made the decision not to race with the track in such dangerous conditions. Especially after what happened yesterday with Tito, which for all of us was a miracle he didn’t sustained much more serious injuries. We’re very sorry for the fans, but it’s not our fault. This is something that was not seen for more than 30 years and, it is a pity, that with the current technology these things happen”.

      MotoGP British Grand Prix – Silverstone

      Reale Avintia Racing rider Tito Rabat suffered a serious injury in FP4 at Silverstone today. Heavy rain had started to fall and since the new tarmac didn’t drain the water away, large puddles formed at different points of the track. In turn 7, better known as Stowe, the accumulation of water was enormous and several riders, Tito Rabat being one of them, crashed. When Tito got up to reach the safety of the trackside barriers, he was hit by Franco Morbidelli’s bike with full force. The first medical assessment revealed that Rabat broke femur, tibia and fibula of his right leg. The Spanish rider was airlifted to the University Hospital of Coventry by helicopter and will undergo emergency surgery this afternoon.

      We will keep informing with any updates.

      Xavier Simeon didn’t have a good day either and finished qualifying in 24th position, with his only hope to find a solution in the Sunday morning warm-up session in order to be more competitive in the race.

      Due to the forecast of more rain tomorrow and for safety reasons, warm-up will start at 9:00 h and the 20-lap MotoGP race will take place at 11.30 h.

      “Honestly, it was a disaster since we started yesterday. We don’t know why, but I can’t even get close to the group of riders with which I fight normally. I am far behind, even in the wet and in mixed conditions, where I am normally quite fast. We just aren’t at the right level and we don’t find solutions. All this apart, my thoughts today are with Tito who suffered an injury without being at fault. It looks as if it is a serious injury which he deserves least of everyone, because he is a hard worker and lives his profession as a rider like nobody else. I really wish him a quick recovery. If it rains tomorrow, it will be impossible to race on this circuit because the water doesn’t drain away and we have already have seen what happened to Tito.”

        Reale Avintia Academy 77 Moto3 – British Grand Prix – Silverstone

        Reale Avintia Academy 77 rider Vicente Pérez will start the British Grand Prix on Sunday from the 23rd place on the grid. The rider from Valencia was strong in mixed conditions in the morning and held 18th place in qualifying until the session was interrupted by rain. In the final minutes, he was not able to improve with slick tyres and will start now from the eighth place on the grid, which is still his best qualifying result of the season so far.

        Rain is forecasted for Sunday, but with the ever-changing conditions in the United Kingdom, nobody knows what really to expect.

        “Today our luck was mixed, with both sides of the coin. In FP3 we were able to clock good lap times, but in the closing minutes of qualifying, we haven’t been able to fight back. I was a bit nervous because I saw that I could do really well, but instead of putting in a better lap time, I almost crashed. It’s still my best grid position this year, but we know that we could be even higher up. I hope to get a good start tomorrow and to be able to fight for a good result in the race.”

          MotoGP British GP – Silverstone

          Tito Rabat, rider of Team Reale Avintia Racing, ended the first day of practice for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone in 13th position, but his potential is even higher, as he showed with seventh position in the first free practice session on Friday morning. An unfortunate crash in the last minutes of the afternoon session dashed his hopes of improving further, but the Spaniard remains confident that he has the pace to make a direct move to Q2 and to be able to fight for a good grid position.

          For his team-mate Xavier Simeon, the first day of practice at Silverstone was difficult. He could not significantly improve his lap times and trailed the field in the combined classification. The Belgian rider and his team are looking for a solution for Saturday, with the aim of being more competitive in qualifying and of improving the race pace for Sunday.

          The weather forecast for Saturday is good, but on Sunday, rain is forecasted for the region of Towcester, so the riders have to be prepared for the possibility of a wet race.

          “I was a bit worried this morning, because even though we finished in seventh position, I didn’t have a lot of confidence with the medium front tyre compound. But in the afternoon, I went out with the hard option and I felt really well. The crash towards the end of the session, when I just was at the point of speeding up and putting in a better lap time, was a bit of a shame. But all in all, we are working well and since it is going to remain dry tomorrow, we can continue to work in the same direction. We’ll grit our teeth and fight in the FP3 in order to make a direct assault on the Q2.”

          “It was a very difficult day. Once again, we did well on one circuit and arriving at the next one, we are being thrown back again, far behind the front runners. I don’t understand why the feelings with the bike can be so different from one circuit to the next and to tell the truth, I was a bit frustrated today. We improved only marginally from FP1 to FP2 and I don’t feel comfortable on the bike at all. I hope we can find something tomorrow that will allow us to make a big step and to be closer to the front.”

            Reale Avintia Academy 77 Moto3 – British GP – Silverstone

            The first day of practice for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone went well for Team Reale Avintia Academy 77. Vicente Pérez was 22nd in the combined standings of the first two free practice sessions and had good feelings with his bike.

            Silverstone is a very technical track and it is difficult to find the best line for a fast lap time. But with the help and suggestions of the team, Vicente improved step by step, with the aim of breaking into the Top 15 in qualifying for the race on Saturday.

            The weather forecast for Saturday is good and despite cool temperatures, the sun will be shining all day at Silverstone. This won’t be the case on Sunday, where the races are expected to take place in wet conditions.

            “It was a positive first day because we went faster every time we took to the track. We ended up further back than we expected, but we had a good and consistent rhythm in both sessions and with my ideal lap time, I would have been much closer to the top in the classification. Now we will carefully analyze everything so we can piece it all together tomorrow and conquer a good grid position for the race on Sunday.”

              MotoGP British GP – Silverstone

              Reale Avintia Racing riders Tito Rabat and Xavier Simeon, head to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix this weekend.

              Rabat travels to England very motivated after two very positive race weekends in the Czech Republic and Austria. In both races, he ran out of luck on Sunday, but the Catalan rider remains confident that Silverstone could mark the turning point in this season.

              The Spaniard has great memories of the British track, in particular of his victory ahead of Mika Kallio and Maverick Viñales in 2014, which pathed his way to be crowned Moto2 World Champion.
              For Simeon, everything will be new this weekend at Silverstone. The Belgian rider of Reale Avintia has no previous experience in MotoGP at the British track, that was completely resurfaced this year. He also missed the Moto2 race last season due to an injury. Simeon hopes that it will be possible to adapt his Ducati to the characteristics of the circuit, so he can continue to learn and improve in his first season in the premier class.

              “Following two good Grand Prix, we head to Silverstone in a positive mood. It is one of my favourite circuits and I’m looking forward to ride my Ducati there. I’m eager to score a good result, because although we did a good job in Brno and Austria, on Sunday we couldn’t turn this into the result we had hoped for. We work hard and we are on a good level, so I hope that Silverstone will be the place where we can finally put everything together for the result we deserve”.

              “I didn’t race at Silverstone last year because I was injured, but I’m really curious to discover the circuit and its new tarmac on a MotoGP bike. We had a positive weekend in Austria although we didn’t get our price on Sunday. I hope the track is good for my Ducati and it will suit my riding style. I want to keep the momentum from Austria and enjoy riding the bike again.”

                Reale Avintia Academy 77 Moto3 – British GP – Silverstone

                The Moto 3 World Championship heads to Silverstone this weekend, with Reale Avintia Academy 77 and Vicente Pérez eager to fight for points at the technical British track.

                At the last two races in the Czech Republic and Austria, Pérez made a huge step forward and got closer to the fastest riders during practice. The Spanish rider wants to keep this momentum in Silverstone and try to learn and progress quickly to get on the pace from the first day of practice.

                The iconic 5.9km circuit has been resurfaced earlier this year. It is very fast and features 18 corners. With its hard braking areas, it always brings on big battles in Moto3.

                “I go to Silverstone really motivated, because in the last two races we made some steps forward. Even though we couldn’t capitalize on them with a good result in the races, we saw that it is possible to stay with the top guys, especially in Austria. My goal for this weekend is to learn the circuit, because everybody says it’s a difficult one, to improve step by step and try to score some points on Sunday.”

                  MotoGP GP of Austria – Spielberg

                  The weekend of the Austrian Grand Prix was very positive for Reale Avintia Racing rider Tito Rabat. After a great start from the seventh place on the grid, he fought with the front group of riders on the opening laps of the race. He maintained his seventh place until mid-race but then paid tribute to early wear of his rear tyre and had to lower his rhythm for the last third of the race. He first fell victim to an attack of Valentino Rossi, then he had to let Dani Pedrosa escape and rode in ninth position, before the performance of his rear tyre dropped again in the last laps and he crossed the line in eleventh place.

                  Reale Avintia team-mate Xavier Simeon also had a strong weekend in Austria, with his best qualification in this season so far. In the race, be battled with the other rookies of the MotoGP class, but crashed on lap eleven and wasn’t able to finish the race.

                  “We have done everything right this weekend, we did well in the practice sessions and in qualifying, I had a good start and I rode a strong race. Only towards the end, a part of the puzzle was missing. On the last laps, I was left without rear tyre grip and suffered quite a bit. The bike worked fantastically, I was with the front group of riders on the first laps and we were closer to the top once again. Now I have to learn how to manage throttle control in the right way to save the tyres. Thanks to the team that did a great job as always!””.

                  “A very positive weekend ended in a bad way. I had a lot of problems with the soft front tyre compound in the race, the front was constantly at the point of folding away until it finally happened and I crashed. I am very disappointed because up until the race, everything had gone so well and it was a shame that it ended like that.”

                    Reale Avintia Academy 77 – GP of Austria – Spielberg

                    Race day in Austria had started very well for Vicente Pérez and his Team Reale Avintia Academy 77, with the rider from Valencia breaking into the Top 15 in the warm-up practice session on Sunday morning. This gave the 20-year-old another boost of confidence for the race.

                    Hi start was not perfect, but he recovered positions one step at a time. From the last row of the starting grid, he managed to move up until he reached the group that was battling for point positions. But then, Vicente exceeded the track limits and had to sacrifice several positions. After this penalty, he ran out of steam and crossed the finish line in 25th position.

                    He still took positive conclusions from this weekend, since Vicente demonstrated his ability to match the pace of the front runners. He also learned a lot over the three days in Austria and is determined to put these experiences to good use at the next race, the British Grand Prix, which will take place at Silverstone from 24th to 26th of August.

                    “From the start, my race was quite bad. I didn’t get off the line the way I wanted, but I still managed to pass several riders until I reached the group with Binder and Ogura. Unfortunately, I then touched the green section of the track and I was penalised with various positions. It’s a shame because I couldn’t finish the race within the point rankings, which had been our goal. I am disappointed and I want to get to Silverstone as quickly as possible, so I can put this race behind me.”

                      MotoGP GP of Austria – Spielberg

                      Reale Avintia Racing rider Tito Rabat scored a fantastic seventh place in qualifying for the Austrian Grand Prix on Sunday. His team-mate Xavier Simeon shone again in wet conditions and will start from 19th place on the grid, his best starting position in this season so far.

                      Once again, the day started with rain and low temperatures at Spielberg. Rabat, who had his ticket for the Q2 top qualifying already secured, preferred to watch the FP3 from his garage, knowing that the qualifying would take place in dry conditions. His strategy worked out. With race settings, he had a great pace in FP4 and in the Q2, he scored an impressive seventh position.

                      In contrary to Rabat, Xavier Simeon took to the track in the wet. He clocked an amazing time and was fastest for a while, before dropping back to eleventh. In FP4, which took place in dry conditions, he was also higher up than usual. Keeping his spirit high despite a crash, he was fast again in Q1 and scored 19th place. On the starting grid for the race, he will be even higher up in 18th position, since Franco Morbidelli was penalised and lost three places in the time sheets.

                      “So far, we’ve had a good weekend. We were clever yesterday and pushed at the right moment to get into QP2. Today we had a really strong pace in FP4 and were competitive once again when it counted in qualifying. But obviously, the race is on Sunday. I hope to put the bad luck of our recent races behind me and to be able to fight for a good result, which we really need by now. We can’t prepare ourselves any better, we are trying everything possible and all we can do now is wait and see if we can battle for the result we deserve.”

                      “It was a good day and I had very good feelings with the bike, in the wet as much as in dry conditions. On a wet track in the morning, I felt comfortable and had a good rhythm. Later on in dry conditions, I also felt great and confident, but at the end of FP4, I had a crash. This didn’t dent my confidence for the qualifying though and despite the fact that I had to go out with my other bike, I clocked a fast time and achieved my best grid position of the year. I hope to be able to fight with the group in front of me tomorrow and to score my first points of the season.”