After an unfortunate Grand Prix of France, where the Reale Avintia Racing Team riders have not completed the race, they arrive in Italy to obtain better results. The Oakley Grand Prix of Italy will be the 6th race  of the season and the 3rd in Europe. Although the results of the first races, Tito Rabat and Karel Abraham arrive excited before a track that they like and willing to achieve results.

The Mugello Circuit seduces the riders of the Reale Avintia as they consider it a circuit where they can be favored thanks to their fast corners and their long straight. Without a doubt, Rabat and Abraham only have that goal in mind, and it is to get on their Ducati in Mugello and score the best possible result.

”With much desire as always to get to Mugello. With clear ideas to do the best possible. Now the following races are circuits that favor the Ducati, both Mugello and Montmelo. We are going to work from the beginning to find the way and be able to take a step forward”

‘Mugello is a very beautiful track I think one of the tracks that fits me quite well with the fast corners which is really nice so I’m looking forward to get to mugello. The weather is also kind of tricky, it can be very hot and can be even rainy so hopefully it will be again around 20 degrees which is perfect for me’

    Vicente Pérez will premiere this weekend at the Mugello Circuit.

    The Valencian rider, Vicente Pérez, faces a new challenge at the Oakley Grand Prix of Italy, being the first time he has participated on this track.

    The pupil of the Reale Avintia Academy 77 arrives at this GP after the crash at the French Grand Prix. Pérez will try to familiarize with the track from the first free practice and to progress in the times, as he has us used to. The young rider just needs to improve the race result and show his great progress during this season.

    [pilot id = “14544”] ” I come to a circuit where I have never been but I think that if we take a good work dynamic we can do it right from the beginning. Work from the FP1 and above all take some reference from the beginning to know the circuit and be able to show that we can be ahead of where we are ”

    Con muchas ganas como siempre de llegar a Mugello. Con las ideas claras para hacer lo mejor posible. Ahora las siguientes carreras son circuitos que favorecen a la Ducati, tanto Mugello como Montmelo. Vamos a trabajar desde el inicio para encontrar el camino y poder dar un paso adelante’

      Black weekend for the Reale Avintia Racing Team riders. Tito Rabat and Karel Abraham have been forced to abandon the race of the French Grand Prix, after suffering the ’53’ a mechanical problem and the black flag of Abraham.

      A race that has been truncated before starting. In the warm-up lap, Karel Abraham went down with Joan Mir. Despite the setback, the Czech driver managed to start the race from Pit Lane after the first lap was completed, a fact that caused the black flag for Abraham to violate the rules of departure from the Pit Lane.

      Luck has not accompanied Tito Rabat in the Grand Prix of France. The Catalan who started from the 20th position could not complete the Warm Up Lap. A mechanical problem truncated Tito’s aspirations despite improving the feeling of the rear tyre.

      ”A pity weekend because they have been mixed conditions. We continue to suffer from rear tyre. Although I could not finish the Warm Up neither the race I felt good with the rear wheel. Every time I go feeling better, I’m getting feeling well with the rear wheel and the problems go past so this is a good sign. I´m very frustrated”

      ”The weekend was pretty good. We were happy to make a good qualifying and I felt very confident before the race to fight to enter the points zone. I think we could have done it but on the warm-up lap I went straight and I fell. I think that behind me Joan Mir also went to the ground. It has been all very strange. Now my back and head hurts because of the fall. I’m disappointed, really upset because I knew we could get a couple of points in this race instead we go with a big zero again. We can not do anything until the next appointment in Mugello ”

        The Grand Prix of France at the Le Mans circuit leaves the rider of the Reale Avintia Academy 77, Vicente Pérez, a bittersweet taste. The young Valencian fall down on the ground on lap 16 when he was in good position.

        Coming out from the grid, 25th, Vicente Pérez managed to improve the pace in the race and the feeling with his KTM. When the rider it was nearly to enter the area of the points suffered a strong fall with no physical consequences for him. A result of which he get a positive reading thanks to the improvement and the good feeling that he had achieved during the race. With his mind set on the next Grand Prix, Vicente leaves Le Mans with the feeling of a job well done.

        ”It was a race where we found improvements for the start-up of on the bike thanks to the team. I was having a great race in a good position when I suffer a great fall . Despite this, I am happy with the sensations. At last I was able to feel comfortable on the bike, it is the first race of the year where I was able to drive as I want. Thank the team for all the work they have done to get here and keep working in front of Mugello ”

          After the first European round the Moto3 world championship, the Reale Avintia Academy 77 Vicente Pérez rider, arrives at a circuit marked on his calendar.

          With a complicated start of the season, the Grand Prix of France promises to be the place where Pérez will be improve in the championship.
          A result that without a doubt the Valencian will fight since in the beginning of the first free practice on Friday at Le Mans.

          ”I come to a circuit that I really like. I’ve been running here for 4 years with the FIM CEV Repsol but it’s the first year in the World Championship and it’s a circuit that I like. I really want to get rid of the bad result of the Jerez GP. I hope to provide to the team a good weekend. We deserve it.

            The riders of the Reale Avintia Racing Team land in France with the aim of improving the last results of the previous Grand Prix.

            After a few days of rest, the Spanish rider Tito Rabat and the czech, Karel Abraham face the ‘Shark Helmets French Grand Prix’ for progress in their work with the Ducati and the team. After two consecutive races with the same result for both drivers, the mission now is to set a better pace and improve in the classification.

            [pilot id = “7001”] ” After picking up a point in Texas and in Jerez, we’re going to get a little closer, we’re closer to the head. This Grand Prix I reach with more confidence and better physical conditions. We knowing more and we better working with the team. The priority is to improve the results, try to improve in the QP on Saturday and improve on Sunday in the start and make a good race. I face this Grand Prix of France motivated, with much desire to do well”

            [driver id = “11889”] ” I really want to ride here on the Le Mans circuit again. I hope the weather is good. Le Mans is one of the most famous and important tracks in history. I’m really excited to be here again and I hope the weather stays as it is today, nice and sunny. I hope we can improve this weekend.”

            The Spanish Grand Prix in Jerez leaves the Reale Avintia riders with a taste of success. Despite Tito Rabat managing to secure a point after finishing in the 15th position, his partner Karel Abraham crossed the finish line just behind him.

            The Spanish Grand Prix started for the riders with the clear objective of getting the best set-up of their Ducatis. Despite the tireless effort of the Spanish, Tito Rabat and the Czech, Karel Abraham, both riders started on the 20th and 21st position of the starting grid on Sunday.

            After a difficult situation in which the two riders were riding together, Tito managed to jump to the 15th position while Abraham stayed on the 16th position. A very similar race for the team to the GP of the Americas, in which Abraham made several mistakes that resolved in him staying behind his teammate Rabat.

            This race has been, undoubtedly, one in which they have gained a deeper understanding of their motorbikes and made them make progress in their set-ups and breaking, and the riders will definitely put these into practice in the next Grand Prix, in Le Mans.

            ”Well, after a complicated weekend we understood a lot of things, we improved the grip. Now the goal is to make the bike a bit more agile during the race so that we can reach a final race with more strength, pillar a slightly higher pace with less effort. But well, I have been very important to this point, at least one point is going well. Looking forward to the test tomorrow, we will work on the bike, continue working on braking and level up ”

            ”I am very angry. There are already two races in a row in the same position, 16th. It is a shame.I made a mistake on the start and I had to start with the second gear so that was really bad. And it’s imposible to pull back to first gear so I had to do the second gear. In any case, the first lap was good, the first part of the race was good, so Tito overtook me, it was still good, but unfortunately I started losing the lead and made two mistakes in turn 6. Then Tito opened a lot distance When I made a mistake and then squeezed, but I kept the same part of Tito, but I could not cut it, it was very hard”

            The Valencian rider, Vicente Pérez left from the 29th position motivated after an incredible Warm Up placing 6th in the morning training. With the satisfaction of a job well done and with options to improve the result of the qualifiers in the race, Vicente began the race ready to come back and score a good result. But Pérez’s aspirations have been frustrated because tires problems. After a race of survival before the Spanish fans, Vicente Pérez has only been able to finish 20º after struggling to finish among the best

            [pilot id = “14544” position = “20”] ‘It’s been a very difficult weekend. We have not found the way but in the Warm Up the team has done a great job. We have found improvements in the front of the bike that made me find the feeling and I was able to finish 6th in the Warm Up with very good pace. In the race we had a problem with the tire and we couldn´t finish the good job we had done in the Warm Up. We will come back stronger in Le Mans’

            The Valencian Moto3 rider, Vicente Pérez faces the Spanish Grand Prix after the start of the season in which the results are not accompanied by the good performance of the workouts. With his sights set on the race, Vicente hopes to have a good performance in the first circuit in which he won. For this he will put all his effort and dedication in front of a great spanish fans people.

            ” The Circuito de Jerez is a very special circuit for me as it is the first circuit in which I won in a big circuit. I would like to finish in the top 10 since we have some races in the best hands but we have not finished good and I think we have enough potential to do so. I think this weekend is a good opportunity to do it. I will Work very hard from the beginning, I expect not to have no setbacks and above all enjoy ”

            After the Grand Prix of the Americas where the two pilots of the Reale Avintia Racing arrive at the first European event of the year, the RedBull Grand Prix of Spain with a view to finding the best results

            Tito Rabat, arrive motivated the first GP of the year on Spanish soil. A Grand Prix always special for ours, since the Circuito de Jerez is emblematic and all the pilots are eager to run in it. After the previous appointments, Rabat has improved for Jerez and is willing to do everything possible to live the fans to a good show. His teammate, Karel Abraham, arrive with the curiosity of the event and the new layout of the circuit and helping in the search for the best times of the Ducati.

            [rider id = “7001”] ”After this start of the season that has not been what we expected, I am already a bit better on the leg. Jerez is the race to which I come better with a difference from the races so far. We run at home, it seems that it will be good weather and I am super motivated. My mechanics boss, Jarno is also very motivated and here we are going to try to take that step that we lack”

            [pilot id = “11889”] ” It´s our first european round this year so I´m looking forward to it. I´m quite curious to see what the race track looks like after they made the new asfalt so I´m quite excited but I like the layout so I think it´s going to be an interesting weekend for sure”