The Silverstone race was a positive one for Reale Avintia Racing Team riders. On the one hand, Tito Rabat, who was back in the circuit where he suffered a serious injury in his right leg last year, started 16th on the grid and was riding in points positions during some laps, but unfortunately he suffered a crash when fighting to overtake other riders. Karel Abraham, meanwhile, achieved another point by entering 15th after a complicated Saturday in which he qualified last after suffering a crash and some technical problems.

    The next race will be held at the Misano Circuit in three weeks on September 13th, 14th and 15th.

    “On Saturday we thought they wouldn’t let me race after the crash but they finally gave me the fit. During the race I had pain in the muscles of my hands, which were injuried by the crashed of Friday. I was close to retiring from the race but I thought about staying in case someone crashed and we could get some point and it eventually happened. After crashing, Tito was recovering little by little and I was afraid to make too much effort because I was close to pass out, but in the end I could get into the points ahead of him. I hope to be physically recovered for the Misano test on Thursday.”

    “The crash has been a shame because we did a great QP, a great warm-up and I was fighting with the group of Zarco, Petrucci and Espargaró but I made a mistake by forcing too much, I ran wide and when I was trying to pass to Guintoli my front wheel locked. It was very hot and the grip of the wheels changed a lot. I want to apologize to the team because we were doing a great job but I made a mistake. ”

      Unlike what happened last year when the intense rain and the bad asphalt situation didn’t allowed the celebration of the race, the British GP could be held normally on this occasion. However, it was again a difficult race for the Reale Avintia Arizona 77 driver, Stefano Nepa, who did not reach the points. The positive is that the gap with the TOP15 was smaller than on other occasions and Nepa is getting closer to achieving the goal.

      “It was a positive weekend especially on the first day when in FP2 I set a fast time, however it was a shame that in the FP3 I could not qualify straight to Q2 because it would have been easier to start from the front on sunday. We are improving little by little, I am happy because we have worked well although unfortunately in the race didn’t get a proper result but I am satisfied with the feeling, the rhythm and the lap times. I’ll go with confidence to Misano, with the batteries loaded and eager to race. I would like to thank the team, the sponsors and my family.”

        The MotoGP World Championship lands this week on the legendary Silverstone circuit (England) on the occasion of the twelfth race of the season. It is the longest track of the entire championship with a length of 5,900m, it has 10 turns to the right and 8 to the left. After the drainage problems that suffered last year that didn’t allowed to dispute the race, the racetrack has been resurfaced this season’s GP.

        Regarding the the Reale Avintia Racing Team riders, Tito Rabat is back in the circuit in which he suffered in 2018 the worst injury of his career in his right leg that is still in recovery process. However, the performance shown in the previous races makes the rider from Barcelona be optimistic about this weekend. On the other hand, Karel Abraham arrives at Silverstone motivated after finishing in Top15 in Austria two weeks ago where he achieved a well deserved point.

        “Silvestone is one of the racetracks that should fit me quite well. It has mostly fast corners and the track is quite wide. I am looking forward coming back there and Racing. Hopefully it will not rain. We were very unlucky last year as the rain and the asphalt situation did not let us race, but since then the track has been resurfaced and I believe we will have a lot of fun racing there again!”

        “I really want to race in Silverstone, it is a track that I like very much and in which I made, in my opinion, the best race of my life in 2014. I hope that the weather is on our side although in England it is known that it is difficult to make a forecast. We had a couple of consistent races in which we have been close to score points but for one reason or another we got none. ”

          The MotoGP World Championship lands this week on the legendary Silverstone circuit (England) on the occasion of the twelfth race of the season. It is the longest track of the entire championship with a length of 5,900m, it has 10 turns to the right and 8 to the left. After the drainage problems that suffered last year that didn’t allowed to dispute the race, the racetrack has been resurfaced this season’s GP.

          The Reale Avintia Arizona 77 rider, Stefano Nepa, has been close to get inside the points in the last races but certain reasons didn’t allowed the Italian to score any points since he joined the team in Assen. However, the gap with the Top15 is getting smaller and the goal of the points is more realistic than ever.

          “Silverstone is a very technical and difficult track. This year they have resurfaced the entire circuit so we hope it is better and there are no bumps, but the most important thing is to have good weather. I’ve recharged batteries and I can’t wait to be back on track. The goal is to finish the race and get some points as we have been close in the last races, we still have to improve a bit so I am sure we will do it!”

            The Austrian race has left the MotoGP Reale Avintia Racing riders with a bittersweet taste. On the one hand, Karel Abraham has finished the race within the points (15th) despite having suffered some problems with the rear tire from the first third of the race. On the other hand, Tito Rabat crashed while riding in 13th position in what was being a good race from him who started 15th on the grid.
            The next race will be held at Silverstone on August 23, 24 and 25.

            “It is good to get a point, although it was not the best race of the season. I tried to be fast from the beginning, but the start has not been good and, although i was with a group, from the first third of the race i had problems with the rear tire. From there on, I could not do anything, just try to finish the race. We deserve the point because we have not crashed and we have managed to be on the bike until the end. ”

            “It has been a weekend in which we have gone from less to more. We managed to improve the setting and made a decent classification (15th) and in the race we made a good start from where I tried to follow the leading riders. When I tried I made a couple of mistakes and when I tried to brake hard it hurt my wrist and I had to jump from the motorcycle just before reaching the wall. It’s a shame but we had a positive weekend. “

              Stefano Nepa started fifteenth thanks to the several penalties that were imposed on Saturday afternoon to riders who had riden too slow in the qualifying sessions. However, he could not stay in points positions and was overtaken as the laps passed. Nepa was also involved in an incident in which Can Öncu collided with the back of the Italian’s KTM that, unlike the Turkish, managed to stay on the bike to finish the race in 22nd position.

              “It was a very positive weekend, in QP we made a great step forward but we still had a little to improve. Today the weather did not help us to try something in the warm up so he could have improved the pace. The race was very difficult due to the asphalt conditions and if they had been better we could have won some positions. Neither the team nor I surrender, see you at Silverstone!”

                The MotoE riders found the track wet so the race was declared in the wet which was a great question mark because no one had riden until then in those conditions with electric motorcycles in the Austrian race track.

                Xavier Simeon made a good start staying second close to of the first while Eric Granado made a great comeback from the ninth position to lead in the second lap. Unfortunately, Granado crashed in turn three when he had already a few meters of advantage over the second rider. On the other hand, Xavier Simeon was overtaken by Héctor Garzó and rolled into third but the crash of Garzó made him return to the second position in which he finished as he got the first podium in MotoE for the Avintia Esponsorama Racing.

                “I am very happy, it has been an almost perfect weekend because we have shown our speed in all conditions. The team has done a great job, I had a lot of fun and I hope to stay that competitive in Misano.”

                “It went quite well, he managed to go very fast at the beginning. I tried to control when I was in first position and honestly it was going very well but I had an unforgivable mistake. When I rode over the piano I could not avoid the crash, the front just locked . It’s a shame to end up like this in a race I could have won. I want to apologize to the team and I hope to change the situation in the next race in Misano.”

                  Stefano Nepa arrives in Austria after finishing 17th in Brno which is his best result with the Reale Avintia Arizona 77 so far. The next step that the Italian rider must make is fight to enter inside the Top15 and collect his first points in the world championship. That’s what he’ll be working on already from this weekend’s race that will be held at the Red Bull Ring, located in Spielberg (Austria).

                  “The Red Bull Ring is a track that I like a lot, we have to start working from the first practice, I’m sure we can do well and fight to enter inside the Top15 in Sunday’s race.”

                    The MotoE World Championship is back for the Austrian GP at the Spielberg circuit where the second race of the season of the new category will be held. After the good performance proved at Sachsenring a month ago when both enter the Top10, both Eric Granado and Xavier Simeón arrived in Austria with enthusiasm to face a new race weekend.

                    “I am quite motivated, among other things because I don’t know the Austrian circuit and I really want to start working with the team on Friday and get the bike ready for Sunday’s race. This weekend we will have one more training, what which is very important for me as I’ve never race in this track. Despite not getting the result we expected, in Germany we had a great rhythm and I am happy with the level we proved. Here I’ll try to be competitive again in the Superpole and mainly in the Race.”

                    “I am very motivated and looking forward to this second race. The Red Bull Ring is totally opposite to the Sachsering circuit where we raced the first race because it has many straights. How the MotoE bikes will behave here is a big question mark. In Sachsenring I could show that I am competitive with these bikes and I hope to be that fast also this weekend where the goal will be to get on the podium.”

                      The Reale Avintia Racing Team riders left without points as a reward from last week’s race at the Brno circuit. From Friday they will get a new chacne to fight for points as the twelfth round MotoGP world championship will be held at the Speilberg circuit in Austria. Since its return to the championship in 2016, Ducati has been the only brand to win in MotoGP because, due to the design of the circuit, it suits perfectly to the characteristics of Italian motorcycles. That is why the Reale Avintia Racing Team riders are optimistic about the Austrian race.

                      “Unfortunately we could not take any point in Brno but we fought until the end for it. I rode for 70 test laps on Monday test after the Grand Prix so I am motivated and eager to do it well. Hopefully we get a good weather to twist the throttle.”

                      “I really like the circuit of the Red Bull Ring because it is very fast and flowing. However, it seems that it is going to rain and I remember  from other years that it is quite slippery. We will see if the weather respects us this weekend, it would be a dream to have good weather without rain.”