The Reale Avintia Arizona 77 team is pleased to announce the agreement reached with the lastest Spanish talent, Carlos Tatay, to race in the Moto3 World Championship the next two seasons.
    With this agreement, Raúl Romero’s team, ensures one of the emerging talents of motorcycling, and his name was already in the wish list of several Moto3 World Championship teams. Carlos Tatay will complete his maiden Moto3 season in a structure with huge experience in the MotoGP World Championship, and will follow the footsteps of great riders such as Maverick Viñales, Tito Rabat, Scott Redding or Aleix Espargaró, who also made their debut in the championship with the Spanish team.
    The 16 year old, Valencian rider is the 2019 Red Bull Rookies Cup Champion, following a superb dominating season, winning four races and achieving a total of nine podiums in ten rounds. Tatay won the title in Misano, with two races left to finish the championship.
    In Misano he also signed the contract with Esponsorama to compete with KTM for the next two seasons and, as a prize, Tatay got a wild card entry with Andreas Pérez 77 Foundation team on last weekend Moto3 Aragon Grand Prix. In his second appearance in the World Championship, the Spanish rider qualified in front row and, on Sunday’s race, he fought his way in the leading group and eventually finished very close to the ‘Top 10’. A good sign of Tatay’s potential in Moto3.

    Carlos Tatay
    “I’m very happy to finally announce that I will be in the MotoGP World Championship, in Moto3 class, next year. To make my debut in a team with so much history and experience in the championship is something incredible for me. I will try to enjoy to the maximum, to be like a sponge to learn fast and give my 100% every time I jump on the bike. It has been a fantastic season where we fought hard to win the Red Bull Rookies Cup, but there are still several races of the Moto3 Junior World Championship, where I want to be fighting in front to be on the top of my level in my World Championship debut.”

    Raúl Romero (CEO Esponsorama)
    “Carlos Tatay is a rising value and, following his upward evolution in the last two seasons with our team, first in the European Talent Cup and now in Moto3 Junior World Championship, this year proved that he is ready to step up to the World Championship. In Misano he won the Rookies Cup with two races to go and we decided to sign the contract. There was already a lot of talk about him in the paddock and we couldn’t let him escape. In Aragon he showed that he has the talent to be in front in Moto3 and I hope to see him fighting for great results with us in the coming years.”

      The Reale Avintia Racing Team leaves the Motorland Aragón circuit after a learning weekend and satisfied with their own races.

      On the one hand, Tito Rabat managed to recover a couple of positions (17th to 15th) and he got another point for the world standing despite the problems he had to face during the race.

      On the other hand, Karel Abraham couldn’t score points but he believes he has done “a really good race” where he could fight with other riders and, even if he was not at 100% physically, he could fight with them until the end.

      Next race will be held in Buriram (Thailand) from October the 4th to 6th where the 15th round of the season will be done.

      “It was a similar race to Misano’s where we could defend, we gave our best and we leave strong for the following ones. Unfortunately, there’s always a problem, rather we have a mechanical problem and he start last or I touch somebody and go last and then I have to recover… Luckily I wasn’t last today. We need to learn how to manage the first part of the races because we have not much to win but a lot to lose so managing the first 3 or 4 laps of the race, with the help of electronics to have more grip at the beginning we should do a big step and be where we belong.”

      “I think it has been a really good race even if we finished 18th and we did not get points. It is a shame but I think in this race has been very good because have been fighting, overtaking riders all the time and we had a good pace because the difference between the fastest and slowest laps where within a second, which is really positive. Obviously I am not happy that other riders did not crash but this is not usual and we could have been further. If we had done this race in Misano, we could have get some point for sure. I need to inspire, the last month I haven’t been able to train as I was injured and ill but now I must go back to my routine and work out to be stronger in Thailand.”

        Stefano Nepa concluded Aragon GP out of Top20 after suffering more than expected in the Motorland circuit. The Italian rider, who got points in Misano, couldn’t go any further than 23rd after battling for the 17th.

        Next race will be held in Buriram (Thailand) from October the 4th to 6th where the 15th round of the season will be done.

        “It has not been a very good weekend because I haven’t been able to go fast with the bike, I didn’t get good feelings and unfortunately I couldn’t do more than 23rd. Even I tried all race long, from the second part of the race I did not have the rhythm to be with the group and that is something that we know can improve. In Thailand we’ll try other things to find good feelings with the motorbike in order to improve. Thanks to the team, the sponsors and my family. See you in Thailand.”

          The first day of the Aragon GP is already done and dusted after the FP1 and FP2 earlier today. In the combined free practice times is Marc Márquez (1:46.071) in first position with Maverick Viñales second (1:46.071) more than 1.3 away from the leader and Valentino Rossi was third (1:48.071)

          The Reale Avintia Racing Team riders worked on the set up of their bikes before a QP that is expected to be on wet conditions and that’s something that both Tito Rabat and Karel Abraham are worried about. Rabat, who is racing in another home GP, hasn’t managed to go to Q2 straightaway since he finished 16th in the combined times. Karel Abraham, on the other hand, is still recovering after being ill and he finished 22nd today.

          “We could not step directly for QP but we have a good race pace. If it does not rain tomorrow maybe we can try once again in FP3 and if not, we will be through Q1 and face the rain. If it finally rains it will be a pity because is not the best situation for us”

          “I enjoyed today in a circuit that I do really like even if it was not easy because I don’t feel at my 100% but I’m better. We hope it improves tomorrow but it’s going to rain and I’m or excited about it”

            The first day of the Aragon GP is already done and dusted after the FP1 and FP2 earlier today. The Reale Avintia Arizona 77’s Italian rider Stefano Nepa concluded day 1 28th and worked on the set up of his KTM during both sessions in order to get ready for tomorrow’s QP session that is expected to be on wet conditions.

            “It was a difficult day, we didn’t manage to make the fast lap in the last run but we know where to improve. It’s a shame that tomorrow I may rain but we are focused we’ll try to get into Q2”.

              When did you start riding motorbikes?
              I started riding motorbike when I was 3 years old with a motocross minimoto but I only rode around my house and, until several years later, I didn’t ride in racetracks. When I was 8, I had my first minibike, which is quite late in comparison with other riders but then I immediately started racing in the Italian championship. From then on, I keep the same strategy as most of the riders: minimoto, minigp, pre moto3 and moto3. In 2016 I did my debut with the moto3 in the CIV and also in the CEV. In 2018 I did my first race ever in the world championship when I did a wildcar in Mugello and I keep a very good memory from that moment because doing your first race in your home circuit is very especial.

              Where does your passion for motorbikes come from?
              As a child I watched the races on TV but my dad gave my this passion and he made me love racing.

              This has been your first year in the Reale Avintia Arizona 77.
              Yes, I arrived in the team for racing in the CEV from the beginning of the season. Later, I had the chance to step into the world championship with them, which was something completely unexpected but I must say I’m very pleased with that and I have to thank the team for that, you don’t get this chance everyday.

              How do you feel with the team?
              I felt really comfortable with the team quickly, it’s kind of a family and this is so important to make everything work.

              What is your strong point?
              I like fast tracks so I’d say that high speed corners are the ones that I am the best at.

              And what about your weak point?
              I’m not super good at braking as I don’t like hard braking turns.

              Which is your favourite circuit?
              My favourite circuit is Jerez

              Left or right hand corners?
              I don’t really have a favourite, I do not feel better on right hand corners rather than in left ones, or even in the other way around.

              How do you train for the races?
              When I am at home I go the gym 3 or 4 days per week, then I do a couple of sessions of motocross or flat track and I also do running and cycling, which a sport I love.

              What do you do in your free time?
              When I’m free I like spending time with family and go out with friends in order to forget about motorbikes.

              What’s the balance of your season so far?
              I am happy with, starting when the season has already begun is not easy for me or for the team. We are improving in every race, in Misano l had good pace and we got our first points, which is really positive.

              What’s the goal until the end of the season?
              The main goal is to keep improving and be in Top15 as much as possible because when you do a race with the front group you learn a lot and you see where your weak and strong points are.

                Chris Telep is the 23 year old, he comes from Australia and he’s Reale Avintia Racing Team’s player in the MotoGP 2019 E-Sport competition. We got to talk him in Aragon right before his race on Friday 20th in order to know more about him.

                When did you start playing videogames?
                I started playing videogames when I was in grade 4 or 5 but I have never been heavily on videogames, I just played for fun occasionally. First time I realized about my potential was when I played WRC 8.

                How did you make it to the E-Sports series?
                When I bought the MotoGP game I had that feeling that I wanted to play it but I had no idea of what was going on with the E-Sports championship or anything and then in the loading screen I saw “E-Sports”, I clicked on it, and I registered. By the time it was in the third challenge that is four days, one ride, one track and the two fastest in each session go to pro draft. In that challenge I got P3. A week later it was challenge 4 in Motegi on wet conditions that was, by the way, the first ever wet track in the game. I was P2 there and I made it into pro draft. At that time I didn’t worry about online challenge 5 or 6, I just focused in Thailand. I called work and said I was sick for 3 days in order to keep playing and improving as I knew I could improve a couple of tenths here and there. On day 4 of the challenge I was on the Top of the classification and it was 2a.m. when I knew I was in the E-Sports series, I was in the pub trying to release some stress.

                How long did I get since you bought the game until you knew you where in?
                Less than three months.

                How many players did you have to fight against?
                I don’t really know but I checked once and I was facing over 300 participants over the globe. In a pro draft we where 12 of us in PS4, 12 of us on X-Box and 12 of us on PC and the 2 best from each would go forward in the competition. Those guys were really fast and I had to keep playing, improving and practicing in my bedroom without seeing day light.

                How has the first two races been?
                I was 12th in first race in Mugello circuit and 11th in the second one. I’m here to get good results ­­­­­­­­­but at the same time I’m really looking forward to have fun.

                How many days where between you knew you where in and the day you race in Misano.
                I believe less than 2 weeks. I had to ask for holidays at work.

                How does it feel?
                Unreal. I mean thinking that a videogame can make you pack your bags and travel the globe to be in a paddock which is something I always dreamed. I still can believe it, when I qualified I even cried, I feel over the moon.

                What does your family think about it?
                I think they cannot imagine how the videogame industry has grown in the recent years. They didn’t understand how I was making those overseas, who was taking me over and all about that.

                  With no rest between Misano and Aragon, the Reale Avintia Racing Team is facing a new challenge as the Aragon GP will be held this weekend just seven days after the last race. It is one of the most important weekends during the season as it’s one of team’s home races and it means an extra motivation for the weekend.

                  Last time out, Tito Rabat managed to collect 3 points as he finished 13th on Sunday’s race in a difficult race with a low grip tarmac. Karel Abraham, on the other hand, struggled all weekend long because of his illness but he managed to finish 17th and, despite the short distance between races, he is optimistic about his physical conditions as he expects to improve for the GP.

                  Besides, this will be the last weekend before the MotoGP paddock flies away for the 4 overseas races before the last race in Valencia by November time.

                  “We are in Aragon which is a home race for me and for the team and I can’t wait to put my leather suits on and ride again in Motorland. The goal is getting a good result here to keep the good performance we proved in the last races.”

                  “We’ll see because we have back to back races from Misano last weekend. Misano was very difficult for me because I was so sick. I haven’t finish my medications yet, it looks like I’m not sick anymore but there’s something I call collateral damage, I had some negative reactions to some medications that I was taking so this is big disadvantage for me. I hope it improves before the race, otherwise it could create some problems. From Silverstone I haven’t trained at all as I was injuried, then sick so it’s been almost a month without training and in this sport is very hard going out there with no preparation at all. This is the last European race before the overseas and I’m really looking forward to race hear since this is a track that I really like. It seems like it is going to rain on Saturday, I hope it doesn’t”.

                    The Italian rider arrives in the Motorland Aragón, where the 14th race of the season of the Moto3 world championship will be held, feeling really good after getting his first points in the world championship in the Misano Circuit less than a week ago when he finished 11th.

                    This weekend he is facing the challenge of the demanding Motorland circuit where the points will be the goal once again. This will be the last race before the paddock packs its bags for the overseas races and then come back to Europe and finish the season in Valencia.

                    “We arrive from a relly positive weekend and there is still a lot of work to do, but we made a step in race pace. We must focus more in the Free Practices and ride the bike to the limit from the FP1 so we arrive ready to QP. I really like Motorland Aragon,  and I believe that it will be important the last sector because of its long straight. As always, my team and myself will give 100% in order to get inside the Top15.”

                      The Avintia Esponsorama Racing left Misano with good feelings after the positive performances that Xavier Simeon and Eric Granado had during the third round of the MotoE Cup on an intense weekend where to races where held.

                      In the E-Pole, Simeon managed to set the third fastest time so he could start the race from the first row, which is quite important considering the short length of the races. Granado exceeded track limits in the last corner in his E-Pole lap, so it was cancelled, and he was forced to start from 16th place on the gird.

                      Race 1

                      In the first race, Xavier Simeon performed in a really competitive way by finishing third and stepping in the podium as he did in Austria when he finished 2nd and, after race 1 he moved up to 2nd place in the overall classification.

                      Eric Granado, who arrived in Misano injured in his right shoulder after a crash when training in Brazil, managed to do a great comeback quickly until he unfortunately crashed when chasing the podium group.

                      “In race 1 we got a really positive 3rd that moved us up to 2nd in the overall and that motivated us a lot. We missed 2nd by little but we can’t complain as we were in podium position.”

                      “On Friday I started well in FP1 but they everything got a bit harder in FP2 as I had a mechanical issue that did not allow me ride. In E-Pole I got a penalty by exceeding track limits and I had to start from 16th and that did not help us. In race 1 I managed to recover a lot of positions until 4th and then I crashed because, with my right shoulder injury, it was hard for me to turn right properly. I picked up the bike and finish 13th, far from expected. As I couldn’t ride too much, I struggled when trying to find a setting that helped me to ride better after the shoulder injury.”

                      Race 2

                      On Sundays race, Xavier Simeon unfortunately crashed in the second corner of the first lap, which make him loose the 2nd position on the overall classification and, after the Misano GP, he is 5th.

                      On the other hand, Eric Granado had to deal with the bad gird position and he had to do another comeback once again. However, due to the fast pace that the first group had, Granado couldn’t go any further than 6th. In the overall classification the Brazilian is currently 13th.

                      “I had the same mentality in race 2 than in race 1 and it was to overtake as much as possible. Considering my pace, I just could be 6th and I was thinking that I had to finish the race without taking many risks. The goal was finishing and me accomplished it. Now it’s time to keep working in order to arrive at the 100% for the last two races in Valencia.”

                      “It was a from more to less weekend. I’m happy with how it was in general but I am disappointed with race 2. I tried to save the battery before the start, and it seems like doing a slower lap before getting to the gird did not help me. I’m disappointed because we probably lost the chance to fight for the championship in Valencia although it is still possible. The most important thing is that I leave Misano with a podium and we can fight for the 2nd place in the overall.”