Reale Avintia Racing will compete this weekend in the first Grand Prix of the calendar in Qatar. The team faces the first round of the season with ambition and motivation after completing an exciting pre-season.

The MotoGP race will not take place due to the difficulties in entering to the country because of the coronavirus, so the decision was taken to cancel all the sessions and only the Moto3 and Moto2 categories will be on track this weekend, as due to the test carried out last week, all the members of the teams are already in Qatar.

Located in the Qatari desert, the Losail International Circuit is already a classic on the calendar. Since 2007, the Qatar Grand Prix has been in charge of starting the MotoGP World Championship. It is a very well-known circuit for all the riders, because every year, all the categories make a test before the Grand Prix.

Losail is a circuit with a length of 5.4 kilometers, with six left turns and ten right turns. The main overtaking point is the first corner of the track after a long straight of 1068 meters.

The Moto3 race will take place on Sunday 8th March with a total of 18 laps to go and Carlos Tatay will start what will be a new exciting adventure for him and the whole team.

“I’m very excited and looking forward to starting this season and this new stage of my life. It’s time to enjoy it, we have worked very hard and with a good dynamic in the tests. Now it’s time to show our work and enjoy it.”