After long meetings and a lot of effort on the part of all those involved, the Andorra Circuit is reopening its facilities to the professional riders resident in the Principality of Andorra for training, coinciding with phase 2 of the deconfinement plan.

    This situation would not have been possible without the cooperation and collaboration of the Government of Andorra and the efforts of the Ministries of Sport, Economy and Health.

    The Automobile Club of Andorra, the Andorran Motorcyclist Federation and the unconditional sponsorship of Crèdit Andorrà, who have believed in the project from the beginning, have also made it possible. Raúl Romero (owner of the Reale Avintia Racing Team and investor of the Andorran Circuit), Rubén Xaus (promoter of the Andorran project) and Alex Bercianos (director of the facility) have also helped to achieve this.

    The excellent management of the health crisis by the Andorran government has meant that the 22 professional motorcycle riders (9 of whom are MotoGP riders) resident in Andorra will be able to get back on their machines and resume training immediately. These will be marked by an anti-contamination protocol validated by computer biologist Joel López. The training sessions will be divided into two groups and different time slots to avoid having more than 10 riders training.

    The layout designed by the specialized company Racing Loop will be especially technical and that, together with the height of the Circuit, will make it physically demanding.

    Rubén Xaus commented on the possibility that the MotoGP riders could restart the season at the Andorra Circuit: “The circuit and all its members are very proud to take another step, which will undoubtedly serve the resident riders, to prepare an atypical start to the world championship.”